2016 AGM Presentations

The following AGM presentations can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

Chairmans Address

National Vineyard Manager Presentation

Marlborough Regional Manager Presentation

Seddon Vineyard Presentation

Taylors Pass Presentation

Keltern and Twyford Gravels Presentation


 At the 2016 AGM held in Auckland on 28th November 2016, the following Resolutions were passed:


1- “That the shareholders confirm the re-appointment of RMS Hayes Audit as

auditors  for  the  ensuing  year,  and  authorise  the  Directors  to  fix  their

remuneration for the year.”


2-  “That clause 17.1(a) in the Company’s constitution be deleted; and that the

words “if and for so long as the Company is Listed” in clause 17.1 (b) be deleted

and the sub-clauses re-numbered appropriately.”

3-  “That the Directors’ remuneration be increased from $60,000 to $90,000, to be
paid and allocated to the Directors as the Board considers appropriate.”

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